2014년 5월 13일 화요일

[LIFE Plastic Surgery] Love Band Procedure with Filler Injection

What is Love Band?

Love band is a muscle underneath the eye. If the muscle is well developed, it contracts and protrudes underneath and this muscle is called the 'love band'.

The muscle gives deep volume underneath the eye which gives more 3 dimensional look.

Love band also makes your lower jaw look shorter, making you look younger than your actual age.  

How is Love Band Created?

1. Filler is injected according to the design you want.

2. The best and the most suitable love band is created for you as the amount of filler injection is customized by the doctor considering the shape and the size of your eyes.

3. Since the procedure takes only 10 minutes, busy office workers can undergo the procedure without the time constraints.

4. As the procedure is non-incision procedure, virtually no swelling or pain is accompanied and results are seen immediately right after the procedure. 

Free Consultation with LIFE Plastic Surgery

TEL: +82 70 4726 4302

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