2013년 9월 27일 금요일

LIFE Plastic Surgery: Latin Hip Up - Bora's Experience


Bagel Girl Bora’s

Sexy Hips Project!
Name: Bora Im
Age: Born in 1986
Surgery Date: 2013. 03. 11
Surgery Area: I am sick and tired of flat butt
Surgery Information: Latin Hip-up



I also have body complex of my own
I finally did it.

My friends say I am tall and thin and have nice body, and call me a bagel girl aka a baby face with glamour. Well.. I am not complaining about that.

But, one of my biggest body complex is my body line from the side. Whether I wear skirt or pants, I look like I have no butt what so ever, From the back to hips to leg, it has no volume, and my friends are not that crazy about my butt. The truth is because I do not have good butt, I don’t look that good.
So after years of consideration, I decided to get hip up surgery and made a reservation.
“Why would you even get a surgery on your hips?”, my friend would ask. But I work as a model, so it is kind of a big deal for me to look good in any kind of clothes.
Often times the even the celebrities like Taehee Kim and Jihyun Jeon have body-double for commercials for those who have nice leg or nice butt.
One thing I realized while getting consultation from multiple clinics is that there are actually quite many people with same kind of concerns. The doctor said I am not the only one with this kind of issues. Thank God, I don’t feel alone is this big journey to get surgery. I am hoping for the best result of my brand new hips!
Starting from today, I am the lady with sexy butt~!
Today is the day of surgery. For hip up surgery, they say I need to be hospitalized for two days. Therefore, I packed my bad last night and have been fasting since last night. I am so freaking hungry and tired. After the final consultation with the doctor, I will be going into the surgery room.
I hope it is not painful, and I hope I can recover fast. Crossing my finger!
After the surgery when I was waking up from the anesthesia, I was so freaking cold! If I would have known I am gonna be so cold, I would have brought my comfy socks.. geez! Is it just me? I hope I am not alone on this boat. I feel like my butt is extremely thick and a bit sore. But what is worse than the after pain, is that I have to remain lying on my stomach. So my lower back is killing right now. Also, I have to have urine tube and blood pack with me by my side. Therefore, it is quite in convenient. My excited and hopeful mind set is all gone, and now I am thinking, why did I decide to get this surgery? As I said, I need to be hospitalized for 2 days for hip up surgery. The nurses are very caring and do their best to make me feel like home. But still.. I would rather be at my home.

 2 Days after the surgery:
The fact, only I didn’t know: You are very used to surgery. So you are recovering very fast.^^
Now, I am finally going to my home sweet home where my puppies are waiting. 2 nights and 3 days, it is a short time when you think about your daily life, but now that I just got back after the surgery, it feels like forever. In the morning, the nurse came in to take out urine tube and linger. Now my body feels so much lighter.
I wish she took out my blood pack…but I guess I will have to bear with it a bit longer.
Once the nurse went out I got up and started walking. Holy, I walk pretty good!
Usually, those who get hip surgery have to practice walking and limp a little but I don’t have none of that. Who would have known that I am very good with surgery and the recovery?
 7 Days after the surgery: Blood Sack Removal
Soreness and pain that bothered me when I wake up and fall asleep has almost faded. Walking is so much more comfortable. But, my butt is really tied up tightly, so when I get up in the morning, it is swollen very much. Today is the first day back to the clinic after being hospitalized. They say depending on my condition, I would be able to get rid of my blood pack today, and I did. Yes!

The doctor said of all the people that got this surgery, I am the fastest to take it out. I guess my body is good at recovering from the surgery. The feeling I got from taking the blood pack is not painful, but rather a bit messy and dirty or unpleasant I must say.
How can I say… stitching up where there was blood back is painful. What did they tell me in advance?!:(
Next week, I will have to come in for stitch out. I can’t wait!

14 days after the surgery: Stitch out
Today is the day of stitch out.

Gradually but finally, it is time to say goodbye to this bothersome compression bandage. From today, doctor told me it is okay to sit down.
But still, it is uncomfortable for me to sit down for a long time after the surgery. They took out the stitch about half way.

Now that I don’t have compression bandage with me I feel so free. I want to take rest of the stitch out asap so that I can take sure in nice and hot water!!! Ah~~~I feel so dirty haha.

1 month after the surgery

It has been exactly one month since I the surgery. When I think about it, for surgeries, once you undergo the pain, it is a matter of bearing the pain and discomfort. Now the discomfort after sitting has gone away quite a bit. There is still feeling that there is something foreign stuff in my butt a little bit.
If I think about how I wasn’t even able to sit down after the surgery, I would say this is much more comfortable. I feel like the swelling on both sides of my butt cheeks are going down unevenly, but I am not too concerned about it.

Time will heal everything, and now is the time to wait.

At the clinic, they told me one month after the surgery I should be able to sleep on my back. But I am so used to sleeping on the side, and it is more comfortable for me anyways.
 2 months after the surgery
It’s been 2 months after the surgery. Time flies!

Now when I try to walk or run, or even lie down, I have no problem what-so-ever. I can say it feels the same as before the surgery.
But, sitting on a hard chair without a cushion is still a little bit uncomfortable. But it is much better than before. Hopefully, as time goes by, it gets more and more comfortable. Uneven swelling on both cheeks is even now. They seem to be in perfect proportion. Thank God.
The main reason why I wanted to get hip-up surgery, which was to look good in any kind of clothes, especially in jeans and skirts is satisfied. Now I feel like my hips look natural. The implant is a bit still firm but much better than before. Let’s wait a little more!! No pain, no gain^^

Lovely~~~ at every 360 degree angle, I feel satisfied about my body!
Whenever I work ( I am a model), I feel as though there are freedom in what I can do. As a model, I feel the happiest when I am in front of a camera being photographed.

Before, I wasn’t so confident about my side and back side picture taken, and posed straight on the front. But wherever I pose, I feel more confident. So now, I am super duper happy about it~~~^^

Whenever I wear new clothes it looks good on me. I cannot smiling~^0^
Perfect volume.. If before hip up surgery, my upper body and lower body is unmatchy, now I have perfect S-line I have always wanted~!^^Yoo-hoo~

Free Consultation with Life Plastic Surgery 
TEL: +82 70 4726 4302
Website: http://eng.mylifeps.com

2013년 9월 25일 수요일

LIFE Plastic Surgery: Breast Surgery Story - So Eun's blog

Now call me bagel girl, 

baby face with Glamour!

Name:  SoEun Lee
Birthday:  1990’s baby!
Surgery date:  2013.03.22
Surgery Area:  Small breast
Type of Surgery:  Breast Augmentation

I am tired of being flat-chested. I want myself to be a baby faced girl with glamour, also known as Bagel Girl! 

Nowadays in Seoul, you can see many girls wearing revealing clothes and flaunting their voluptuous boobs. My friends and I stare at them and talk behind their back, saying “Why would you even where that? Hoe!” (just playing:p). But to be honest, maybe 70% of my mind, I want to be able to wear those clothes and be confident in them. (T^T) As many of my fellow small-chested girls might know, I often feel like I am being compared with other voluptuous girls when I am walking with or by them. That is why I often wore beggy clothes or unrevealing clothes. However, whenever I watch American TV shows, there is always a scene where sexy girls where sexy training outfit and jog outside. Ugh!! I really wanted to be able to do that. 
When I announced to my friends that I will be getting breast surgery, there were so in shock and told me not to do it.. They knew all along I wanted bigger boobs -_- Geez thanks friends. But in the end, they knew how stressed and self-conscious I was because of my relatively small boobs and even persuade my dad about it^^. Now, my friends and family are so supportive of it and help me research good information about breast surgery. Now I feel less anxious, but excited and happy to get surgery!

When I look at other plastic surgery forums and look at after surgery diaries, I found that breast surgery posting have most satisfactory result. Hopefully, I can get just as good surgery and get my self-conscious boobs a boost!

Who would have known I need to starve to get beautiful boobs?

I was so hungry because I had been fasting since midnight yesterday. They have stressed that I do not even have a sip of water or candy, so I had nothing! Why is it that when you have to fast you feel most hungry, and all that came into my mind was pasty, pizzas, bread and barbeque and so much more. Chinese food, Mexican food, you name it! T^T Who would have known that you need to be hungry to be beautiful? On the day of surgery, from waking up to getting to the clinic, I had butterflies in my stomach. During consultation with Dr. Sewhan Rhee, he showed me what kind of implant he will be using for my breast surgery, and I got to touch them. To think that these will be going into my breast, it is still kind of surreal, nerve-wrecking but exciting! Right before the surgery, the doctor and the kind coordinator unni help me get the design on my chest. It is so hard for me to keep still because I am so ticklish. Now that the final step before the surgery is over, rather than being nervous, I just hope that the result is great and I am praying for the best. Meanwhile I am praying for my great result, I ended up falling asleep due to anesthesia. It is like you lose the temporary memory of getting surgery. I just hope that I didn’t end up snoring^^;;; After waking up, I was not in the recovery room. Recovery room felt chilly quite a bit.burrr. .. Before, I think to myself yay, I am done, instinctively, my eyes were looking down at my new boobs. But obviously, all I could see was wrapped up chest, but something felt quite different for sure. 

As the day goes by my confidence level is rising! :D
Day 4 after the surgery: Itchy as hell!

It has been 3 days after the breast augmentation surgery. Whoever said no pain no gain was right. Last night, I was feeling hard pressing pain and wasn’t able to sleep properly. But after taking some prescribed medication from the clinic, the pain became bearable and I fell asleep. I guess I feel so tired after surgery not necessarily because of the meds but because I am just so tired. T^T 
Today I went back the clinic to get dressing, (aka getting cream for my stitches and sanitization), and they unwrapped the compression bandage. From today, I will be wearing shaping underwear. I was so curious as to what it actually does so I kept asking the question over and over and touching it. After unwrapping the compression bandage and wearing shaping underwear, I feel as though all the post surgery treatment is over~^^But still, where there is taping, I still feel so itchy! Help! :s : /

Day 7: Shaping underwear is my best friend!!(figuratively)

Now there is hardly any pain or swelling any more.Also, red bruising is fading away~^^The doctor also said the breasts are settling into nice place and that I do not need to worry anymore. But actually getting the post-surgery massage part is painful. I was taking it easy for a few days and went in for the first post-surgery massage. I was expecting tender easy massage with aroma therapy oil and what not. But the person before me was screaming so I was laughing at her like “oh little girl~”. But guess what, it WAS really painful. So I kept screaming like the person before me! Mommy! Help!!!! 
But, after the massage I feel like the breast shape is more like what they are supposed to look like, more natural, soft and elastic. I am 100% satisfied!^^v. I wonder what it will like finally after all the treatment is over and I take off my shaping underwear.

2 weeks after: Not done yet!

Every day I take a selfie, I wanted to take a picture with pretty clothes where I can look good. Before the surgery, I wasn’t used to wearing this kind of clothes. I never wear this clothes without properly padded bra! When I bought this clothes I never thought I would wear this clothes without padded bra, and now that I do, I cannot believe this is happening. I am so happy T^T. The best thing about breast surgery is that I get to wear any clothes I want with confidence and style! Today is the day to take the stitches out! I was so happy that I can be done with everything, but it turns out I will only take the stitches out half way. The doctor said I will have to take the rest out sometime later, just not yet. Oh well… I will be back I guess~sigh.. 

1 month after: Bye my best friend for the last month!

Few days I go, I said good bye to my best friend, shaping underwear who had been with me supporting me :p for the last 3 weeks or so. Now I am wearing sports bra and is really comfy. But still, without the supporting garment aka the shaping underwear, I feel almost naked^^. At work hallway, I was trying to take a selfie but sudden bunch of people came out of elevator -_- embarrassing.. but I still got one picture!^^v Yay!

After the surgery, all the ladies at my work are envious of my boob job. Before, they were treating me like a little kid and a cutie pie. Now they seem to be more gentle and take me seriously hmmm…I must say, I am pleasantly surprised by the reactions I have been getting explicit and implicitly ;)

Forget my previous girl next door image, now I am a bagel girl~^^v

The motto of my life is “New”. Now that my breasts settle into its place beautifully and healthy, I feel as though my entire body type has changed for the better. And I got new clothes that is suitable to bagel girl~^^yay~ Also, nowadays, I often go jogging near the park with my pretty workout clothes. For my health you ask? To be honest, I wanted to be like Hollywood star that go work out in sexy workout clothes. Well~ whatever suits me and make me happy~^^ I have been bugging my friend to go to outdoor swimming pool. Nobody has said yes yet, but I already gave myself a bikini present hehe^^. I am so prepared and organized now :p. I am super happy about how I look in bikinis finally!!! Also, my cut was made under the armpit, and is hardly visible. I hope those of you out there seriously considering breast surgery get it done, because, now that I got my surgery, I feel like a brand new lady!^^

 Free Consultation with Life Plastic Surgery 
TEL: +82 70 4726 4302
E-mail: lifepseng@gmail.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/englifeps

Blog: http://lifesurgery.blogspot.com/

2013년 9월 13일 금요일

[Dr. Sewhan Rhee's Column] When it comes to Anti-Aging Treatment, diagnosing skin aging comes first!

[Dr. Sewhan Rhee's Column]
"When it comes to Anti-Aging Treatment, diagnosing skin aging/saggying comes first!"

 The fever to look young continues. Since early 2000s, the anti-aging fever has started among women in their 20s to 30s. Nowaday...s, anti-aging trend which is a must for looking young is prevalent among middle aged women and men in their 40s ~50s. Nowadays, there are even words such as "Flower Men" or "Gold Papa" who invest their time and money in looking young and good. Also, women are ceaselessly interested in anti-aging trend and invest their time and money in various anti-aging treatments.

The biggest concern among the middle aged groups are eye wrinkle, under eye bag and nasolabial fold. Recently, various wrinkle treatment depending on the part have been developed to bring out best lifting and anti-aging effect. Among those, let me introduce one of the most popular anti-aging treatment.
                              Lateral Cantoplasty, that keep the love-band and correct eye wrinkles

With natural aging process the skin around the eye area loses its elasticity, then the diaphragm that holds the fat around the eye gets loosened as well, causing under eye bag. In such case, just pulling diaphragm and under eye fat upward brings much younger looking eyes. Unlike existing eye wrinkle surgery through incision, lateral cantoplasty fastens under eye fat in place to restore natural looking eye area. "Lateral Cantoplasty makes small holes to correct under eye bag and wrinkles by adjusting the location of saggy fat and skin. This method keeps the existing love band but eliminates wrinkle to bring youthful look.

 MACS Lift for maximum result with minimum incision.

To remove, overall wrinkles on the face, MACS Lift is effective. MACS Lift pulls up saggy SMAS layer under the skin due to aging to bring elasticity to the skin. This method is not merely pulling up skin, but fundamentally gets rid of saggy muscle. Therefore, simple surgery can bring maximum result. Also, one surgery can improve wrinkles on face, forehead, nasolabial fold, under eye bag as wells as droopy cheeks. However, like for every other plastic surgery, specifically anti-aging treatment require careful diagnosis after examining process of aging and saggying to be able to provide detailed design. Therefore, getting surgery from experienced plastic surgeon through thorough consultation is recommended.
Free Consultation with Life Plastic Surgery 

TEL: +82 70 4726 4302
E-mail: lifepseng@gmail.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/englifeps

Blog: http://lifesurgery.blogspot.com/

2013년 9월 11일 수요일

Introducing LIFE Plastic Surgery's Representative director/ Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Sewhan RHEE

Introducing LIFE Plastic Surgery's Representative director/ Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Sewhan RHEE ^^

#LIFEPlasticSurgery  #best plastic surgery in Korea  #double eyelid surgery  #Dr.SewhanRhee #best plastic surgery
  Free Consultation with Life Plastic Surgery 
TEL: +82 70 4726 4302
E-mail: lifepseng@gmail.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/englifeps

Blog: http://lifesurgery.blogspot.com/